White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (2024)

a daily digest from the White POV

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Sometimes jews claim they invented things which make little sense. One such is the jewish claim that they invented the Infra-Red lamp with the jew mentioned by Edwin Land. (1)

I cannot find any actual evidence Land invented anything to do with infra-red – although it is possible I missed something – but it is almost certain the claim is not true since the first infra-red detector was invented by Italian physicist Leopoldo Nobili in 1830 (2) with the first thermal image – the thermogram – being produced by the English polymath Sir John Herschel in 1840. (3)

In 1878 Samuel Langley – an American astronomer, physicist and inventor – created the first bolometer which allowed radiant heat to be measured and thus allow an infra-red image to be created and monitored. (4)

The first true use of a practical infra-red device was by the German Wehrmacht in the Second World War in 1944 using an infra-red scope called the Zielgerät 1229 (aka the‘Vampir’) which Soviet military testimony suggests may have been in use by German snipers in early 1944, (5) but was certainly in use by German infantry on the StG-44 assault rifle by early 1945. (6)

In other words: Land simply doesn’t figure in the history of the development of the infra-red lamp or even the concept.

So no jews didn’t invent the Infra-red lamp: the Third Reich did.

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(5) Waldemar Trojca, 1999,‘PzKpfw. V Panther’, Vol. II, 1st Edition, AJ-Press: Warsaw, p. 18

(6) Peter Senich, 1987,‘The German Assault Rifle: 1935-1945’, 1st Edition, Paladin Press: Boulder, pp. 309-311

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notice her lack of tattoos? today that same actress would have multiple visible tattoos. i dont post these mainly for nostalgia but to show the changing mores, reflected in what were jewed products back then too. jews do things subtly over time, degree by degree. till one day you wake up and dont recognize your own country. nothing’s free or easy, everything is loaded with red tape, restrictions – and not in service of higher culture but in service of paranoid White-hostile increasingly granular atomic totalitarianist control.


We can prove Hitler was anti-xtian from both directions and the overall sense of absurdity, so three.

You either think race matters or it doesnt. And certain goy liars (catholics like EMJ) will brazenly attempt to put over the porkie that race doesnt exist.

Christianity is anti-racial. That makes it anti-White. It centers jews, their fiction history, the imaginary God that came out of their hairy jewtwat. If you cant figure how that’s antiWhite, please dont reproduce the world has enough drooling morons already.

Both directions means, for pokes of slowness who require words of no more than three letters stenciled into their twohead drawlspace…collect quotations from Hitler et al. and from the papes et al. and stack them up: both sides agree: racialism is the OPPOSITE of what (((christianity))) is all about.




A jew can write a book about killing White people, but if you point out that a jew wrote it, you are the evil guy who gets punished

we’re immoral if we dont allow jews free shots at our kind until they finally destroy us for good


CatGirl KulakWhite World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (7)White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (8)(Anarchonomicon)



If America had the racial makeup it did in 1972 or 1980 it’d be a permanent low tax, tough on crime, low regulation white majority. This is why the Bureaucratic class has to destroy the white Amerikaner and his culture. The bureaucrat and the American white cannot co-exist.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (9)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (10)

Völkisch Spirit ?


The witch trials were a Jewish attack upon European women. The Puritans, primarily responsible for the infamous Salem Witch Trials, referred to New England as “Zion” and to themselves as “The New Israel”. It is Massachusetts (Salem) that this tendency was strongest.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (11)


Alex Linder



Replying to

Christianity is the spiritual form of hom*osexuality. This book is over your head: The Feminization of American Culture Book by Ann Douglas (1970s feminist but man-respecter) but it explains how the pulpit became the province of Weakman Simplers.


Almost every single person in Toronto’s “Most-Wanted Persons page list” is a brown foreign immigrant! https://tps.ca/organizational-chart/specialized-operations-command/detective-operations/investigative-services/homicide/most-wanted/


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (12)

Frank DeScushin



15. Some psychologists confided with Hartz that they agree with him, but fear speaking out. That’s how anti-white bigotry grows. People fear speaking against it because they may lose their job. If more people speak out, though, then others will too. Courage is contagious.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (13)





White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (14)

Frank DeScushin



16. Hartz concludes that mental-health professionals abandonment of patients suffering from anti-white aggression is a scandal. The true scandal, however, is that an anti-white worldview became America’s national narrative.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (15)




White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (16)

Frank DeScushin



17. All credit for this thread goes to Andrew Hartz, Ph.D. Hartz isn’t on X, but he can be found here:


Andrew Hartz, Ph.D.

Therapy and Neuro Coaching




White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (17)

Frank DeScushin



18. Here’s the full article for people who prefer it in that form.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (18)

Mental Health’s Blind Spot for Antiwhite Bias and Aggression

From city-journal.org




White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (19)




Above all else, where does the antiwhite narrative originate and propagate? We know it’s pushed by “the media”. So, who controls the media? As for the origin, it’s all rooted in the Frankfurt school ideological slant of Marxism and was weaponized against whites by “them”




jews must be exterminated. that’s the only solution that doesnt let the problem fester. expelling jews doesnt work. the 109 is a criticism of jews, but a much stronger criticism of Whites. SOLVE THE PROBLEM. END THE PROBLEM FOR ALL TIMES. That’s our mission. That’s our responsibility to OUR posterity.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (21)


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When the bodies of jewish billionaire Barry Sherman – who founded pharmaceutical company Apotex – (1) and his‘Holocaust Survivor’wife Honey (2) were found dead at their home in Toronto, Canada on Friday 15th December 2017.

Then despite the very public‘outpouring of grief’(3) and the sudden revelation that Barry Sherman is to be posthumously awarded the‘Order of Canada’. (4) It came as quite a shock to Canada’s jewish community, especially when Toronto police revealed that they thought it was a case of a‘Murder-Suicide’of Honey Sherman by her husband. (5)

So much so that the jews immediately began denouncing the Canadian police and implying incompetence, (6) while the surviving members of the Sherman family quickly started hiring private detectives to undermine the police investigation… sorry‘solve the mystery by making sure no stone is left unturned’. (7)

The facts of the case however do not support the suspicions and implied accusation of a cover-up/anti-Semitic witch-hunt that have been spread by the Sherman family against the Canadian police.

These are simply these:

– The couple were selling their existing house. (8)

– They had purchased another house in 2016 and demolished it but had yet to start building their new residence. (9)

– Their bodies were discovered in their existing property by their real estate agent. (10)

– Their bodies were discovered hung on a beam near their basem*nt pool in their existing house in a semi-sitting position. (11)

– There was no sign of forced entry into the property. (12)

– There was no suicide note. (13)

Now looking at the facts the likeliest possibilities are‘Murder-Suicide’or‘Double Suicide’, because unless further toxicological screening (14) reveals the unlikely presence of sedatives or some such chemical trace in both Barry and Honey Sherman. Then it just isn’t very plausible to suggest that they were killed by a third party as their family and Linda Frum – a‘Canadian Conservative Senator’ – are trying to claim was the case. (15)

Ironically the only people who would have a reason to kill Barry and Honey Sherman are the same relatives who are currently claiming that an as yet unknown third party was responsible. This is because in 2016; he was subject to a lawsuit from members of his family who claimed that they had been‘cut out of the company for years’, but which was thrown out by a judge the same year. (16)

Yet there is also evidence that Barry Sherman had been heavily stressed in recent months, because – as a prominent supporter and fund-raising for ultra-liberal Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – (17) they had been accused of improper conduct and interference in Canadian politics and were to be formally investigated by Canadian police. (18)

Did Barry Sherman have something to hide?

Certainly, that is the only really conceivable reason for the‘Murder-Suicide’or‘Double Suicide’ at this point in time and as there is no real evidence for a‘Double Murder’ theory.

Although that being said, the Canadian police have subsequently confirmed that they are treating this case as a‘Double Murder’and claimed that the Shermans were‘in fact targeted’, (19) but have declined to explain why they have suddenly come to this contradictory epiphany.

If this is true and there is some significant fact that has yet to be released that would strongly suggest that the deaths of Barry and Honey Sherman were in fact murders or more precisely assassinations.

Then it is more than likely – because of the aforementioned legal proceedings and family squabbles about who is entitled to what in terms of the Sherman estate – that it is to the Sherman family to which we must look for the murderer(s) and/or those who organised and paid for it to be place rather than to Sherman’s business rivals as Haaretz and Jewish News are claiming. (20)

Thank you for reading Semitic Controversies. This post is public so feel free to share it.






















(20) Ibid.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (28)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (29)

Karl Radl


You mean stayed neutral, not needlessly picked a fight, bankrupted the country, destroyed the empire, saved millions of lives, not gotten into massive debt to the USA and then allowed Hitler and the Third Reich to smash the Soviet Union? That sounds like the sane thing to me.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (30)

Prem Sikka



Reform candidate says UK should have ‘taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality’ instead of fighting Nazis. OMG – Lost for words.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (31)

Iran Observer



BREAKING Very bad news for the US dollar The Economy Ministers of the BRICS countries are in the final stages of completing the de-dollarization program – Iran’s Foriegn Minister

White you must have assets, as the green paper goes down in value and up in face number. An asset is anything people want. Could be stable asset like jeans, p*rn, gold, toilet paper. Could be depreciating asset like house or car.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (32)

E. Michael Jones


Nothing epitomizes the flagrant pandering and intellectual cowardice which characterizes Life Site News better than the advertisem*nt for their upcoming conference. https://lifesitenews.com/news/its-time-to-put-boomer-catholicism-out-to-pasture-and-embrace-the-fullness-of-tradition/ “The theme of the conference,” we are told, will be “Recovering from Boomer ‘Catholicism.’” The quotes around Catholicism mean that Life Site News now gets to determine who is a Catholic in good standing. Helping them to excommunicate an entire generation from the Catholic Church is none other than Bishop Joseph Strickland, who got kicked out the diocese of Tyler, Texas after he became part of a real estate scam that involved bringing in Michael Voris, another super-Catholic who got caught in his second hom*osexual scandal, as his communications director. Before it got involved in determining which Catholics are in good standing with the Church, Life Site News used to promote the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, until Roe v. Wade was overturned, and 400 Jewish organizations announced that abortion was a fundamental Jewish value. Unable to articulate the “Judeo-Christian” position on abortion, John Henry Weston decided to reinvent himself as a liturgist. Because a Jew rescued Life Site News from the Canadian thought police, Weston and co. could not identify the main enemy in the battle against abortion. Because John Henry Weston and Bishop Strickland could not identify the real enemy, they had to create straw men like “Boomer Catholics” to keep the gullible on the reservation which prohibits Catholics from criticizing Jews. Life Site News is proof that Eric Hoffer was right when he said that “every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.”

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (33)

It’s time to put ‘Boomer Catholicism’ out to pasture and embrace the fullness of tradition -…

From lifesitenews.com


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (34)

H. Pearl Davis



I didn’t realize until I worked in media just how many media companies are not profitable.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (35)

Lucas Gage



Everyone has a price.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (36)

JCWhite World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (37)



Replying to @Lucas_Gage_

I understand White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (38)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (39)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (40)

graphic idea: someone in normal civilian clothes with nazi cap, hand on wall maybe at heil angle (only if it works), pissing on wall


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (41)THE JEWS ARE STILL ASLEEPWhite World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (42) Holy sh*t Horse Warriors. Today I finally woke up to what “We’re saving Israel for Last” really means. It doesn’t mean last to be taken out. The White Hats aren’t trying to destroy the Jews. They’re trying to wake them up. You see I have been narrating this movie from the beginning. That’s my job. I do have my own bias towards Christianity sure, but I’ve tried to stay as impartial as possible when it comes to critiquing “The Plan” for the benefit of my audience. There is no question I’ve been hard on the White Hats but I’ve made a point to consistently remind people that none of us have inside information. We just call it like we see it. When the focus turned on Israel after the October 7th inside job we all knew the truth about exactly who this legendary “Satanic Cabal” was in Real Life. Not some mysterious 13 families scattered in castles around the world plotting Armageddon. But instead a small group of sick and twisted Rabbis sitting like a gang of Sicilian Mafia Godfathers in Tel Aviv are directing the actions of the entire Jewish people. You’ve read my analysis of why Israel is doing what it’s doing in Gaza. To seize the city, demolish it, rebuild it with a Suez Canal 2.0 then drill the natural gas field out the front of it and make trillions while the Palestinians get genocided. We noticed. The a funny thing now I think about it. “The Noticing” We thought it was just about us noticing that it was just the jews this whole time. But it’s way deeper than that. This is The Great Awakening. No one gets left behind. Not even the Jews. But what’s that you say? How can you wake up a psychopath to the fact that’s what he is and make him feel bad for his actions? When the core trait that all psychopaths share is a lack of empathy? Well it’s simple. You turn the entire world on him. Can’t you see it now? Don’t think of the Jews as a people. Think of them more like a Corporation. That’s how Judaism is run. Not like a religion. Like a Corporation. Like Microsoft at it peak power. We all know by now the difference between a Corporation and an Mom and Pop corner store. Corporations when created become a living organism. Their goal is only to grow and profit. Just like Cancer in a body. If you attack the cancer and threaten it’s life then you find it’s will grow and spread to other places to survive. Cells will try to protect it. Those cells are the people in a Corporation silencing witnesses, covering up crime, paying for people’s silence, buying of scientists to write bogus studies supporting the Corp. The Corporation must survive at all costs because that’s how it’s designed. It’s alive. If you attack McDonalds for its food or monopoly of wages watch how it reacts. Like an organism being poked with a scalpel. The guy selling fries knows who he is but he doesn’t care because he’s got kids to feed and that attitude goes all the way to the CEO who is paid to be the most utterly ruthless and sociopathic SOB as he can to make profits for the shareholders. You all know this. Now imagine that Israel and the Jews are not a people but a Corporation. Jew Inc.White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (43) What you are watching is the world shaking up the last group of people left still zzzzz. The Jews think they are the most intelligent race of people on earth. But they are so stupid and arrogant that they don’t realize that they are no better than the McDonalds. They think because they have all the money now that no one can take it off them when the music stops and America is too f*cked up to help them. The Jews as a people are so zzz that they truly believe that they are about to become our slave masters or they will nuke the planet. They collectively believe that’s who they are. Do you see? I told you months ago the Jews are the crazy suicide bomber in the UN with wild eyes darting left and right with their finger on the button. They’re last because they’re crazy. They’ve got Stockholm Syndrome.White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (44) -GK




White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (45)

Rick Wiles


No more hiding what we already knew. U.S. is now openly arming Ukraine’s Nazi Azov Brigade. This war did not go as expected. Desperate men make foolish mistakes for their pride’s sake. Be prepared for NATO to do something very foolish this year.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (46)


US lifts weapons ban on controversial Ukrainian ‘Nazi’ Azov Brigade

The US has removed restrictions on the transfer of American weapons and training to a high-profile


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (47)

Lucas Gage



It’s going in the right direction. Get used to it. We are tired of Jewish Supremacy.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (48)




20k likes on a literal hitler speech sure does make me feel comfortable where this country is going /s x.com/Lucas_Gage_/st…


At least we aren’t speaking German.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (49)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (50)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (51)

GBH Remilio | RWO


A white woman makes a video and says nigg* in it, referring to humans not any race or anything bad Then of course this black man immediately calls for violence against a woman cause she said 1 word SHOCKING, a black wants to attack a white woman lol And then a Nick Fuentes

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (52)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (53)





White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (54)

Anthony Cumia



No description necessary. We all know who did this.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (55)

Steve Keeley



BREAKING: 6 people on dirt bikes & moped stop & fire 41 shots, killing 55 year old man at Huntingdon & Potter Streets just before 8pm. @PhillyPolice sources say the murder captured on surveillance from multiple angles. Scene is 500 feet off Kensington Avenue


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (56)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (57)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (58)


Russian warships and nuclear submarines have arrived in Cuba Russia will hold military exercises on the borders of the United States, and the construction of a Russian military and naval base is not excluded

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (59)

Christ Gnosis ?



MY JEWDAR IS UNDEFEATED (this is the new chick being thrust into all of our feeds) h/t @yehhh_hass

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (60)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (61)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (62)

sad. got to be strong. dont give up.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (63)

Ryan Dawson



It’s not just AIPAC

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (64)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (65)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (66)

they committed Assphemy, or lese anal as the frogs perch it




Here is some examples of evil Nazi propaganda according to Jews… “Health parents have healthy children” “Nazi propaganda encouraging healthy Germans to have large families

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (67)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (68)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (69)

Stew Peters



This article claims that Nazi book burnings “destroyed Magnus Hirschfeld’s life work”. Good. That was the point. He was a sick pervert. White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (70)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (71)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (72)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (73)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (74)

Brother Nathanael



Alex, I know a lot about Larry Fink of BlackRock * He is prime shareholder of Tesla, X, and Disney * He dictates “woke” agenda to corporations via his stocks * He put pressure on Columbia to stop free-speech protests against genocide * He’s Jewish (And I have the inside track)


Paul Joseph Watson


Across the board I’m seeing about 90% less ‘Pride’ stuff in terms of flags, corporate advertising and virtue signalling in general compared to last year. What changed?




WW2 veterans helped destroy the western world and helped bring in an ERA of anti-White hatred. You’re too dumb to realize this but falling for the jewish trick that a White man who wanted to preserve his nation & race was “Evil” is the biggest psyop to ever enter the White mind.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (75)




If you vote for a far right party, f*ck off pretending you give a sh*t about our WWII veterans. And get to f*ck ever posting ‘lest we forget’ because you clearly have.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (76)

Kristan Hawkins



“I want to be the first trans woman to have an abortion.” This man wants to mutilate his body, transplant ovaries & a uterus so that he can conceive a child, all with the goal of killing that innocent child. This is your daily reminder that demons exist. @libsoftiktok

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (77)

Honey Badger Radio



Oh so it was real. Are you f*cking kidding me?


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (78)

Humberside Police



We strongly encourage women and girls to report all non-contact sexual offences immediately to the police. Don’t hesitate to call us on 101. You can also report online at: https://tinyurl.com/report-HP #LibbysCampaign

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (79)





from man is the measure of all things to

some c*nts feelings are the measure of all things

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (80)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (81)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (82)

someone’s starting to smell what the Rock is cookin’.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (83)

Asha Logos


Arguably one of the most important archaeological sites in the world, and a find that promises to completely upend and rewrite the embarrassingly backward modern/conventional storyline of history, has essentially been ‘purchased’ by the WEF, via creative means – who have now ceased virtually all serious excavation work, seemingly, behind the completely absurd explanation that it should ‘be left to future generations’. A site that everyone in the world should be clamoring to exhaustively explore and comprehensively understand has somehow remained approximately 5% explored for decades, now. It’s almost unbelievable. I’d ask everyone to consider the possibility that not all powerful forces in this world seek to discover and uncover – that some seem equally intent to obscure, bury, muddle.. regardless of what anyone thinks the specific reasons might be, the proof of this simple fact is now overwhelming. It seems similar groves of trees as have been planted around the pyramidal structures in China are now being planted all over the Gobekli Tepe site.. and multiple archaeologists have commented on the strange (sometimes destructive) methods being used. Jimmy does some good work.. being naturally intelligent, earnest, and curious, and pairing this all with a genuine skepticism, is all it takes to walk the path toward truth – but this video, especially, is worth a watch.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (84)

Jimmy Corsetti



How the World Economic Forum (WEF) infiltrated Gobekli Tepe, and are obstructing full excavation:White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (85) White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (86)This explains why ONLY ~5% has been excavated, and will be delayed for “Future generations”White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (87) (Links for full video below, containing additional disturbing details) White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (88)

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (89)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (90)


Ancestral Vril



Indians are dirty and arrogant. Muslims are violent and rapists. Sub-Saharans are barely sentient beasts. Jews flood Europe with all of the above.



Hillel, I agree with you 100%. I too think it’s time to go back home and can’t wait until that day arrives. Our small kehillah has been discussing this topic for the past year as we know the time to leave is approaching. One of our good friends just moved back to Haifa after living in San Diego for 30 years.

Jake Shields



Trans is a sexual perversion


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (91)




These men are autogynephiliacs, Meaning they are men who are sexually aroused at imagining themselves as women

makes sense. certainly true of the ones who dont chop their dicks off. they are at least aware they are not literally women, even if they take pills and wear womens clothes. thai ladyboys fall into this class. you can weird/perverted – but sane. or w/p and insane and go thru surgery and kill yourself from the physical/psychic misery that always ensues.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (92)



how iz you gettin your jumteemf on dog?



The US State Department approves funding weaponsfor literal Neo-Nazis:

The State Department has allowed the delivery of US weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Brigade, whose members have openly espoused ultranationalist and neo-Nazi views. The flow of arms had previously been restricted due to the unit’s ties to hateful ideology.

“After thorough review, Ukraine’s 12th Special Forces Azov Brigade passed Leahy vetting as carried out by the US Department of State,” the agency said in a statement to the Washington Post on Monday, referring to legislation that bans military aid to units that are implicated in human rights violations.

This is why the conservative fetish for “exposing” or “revealing” Clown World’s hypocrisy is totally futile and accomplishes nothing. Hypocrisy is one of Clown World’s core virtues. They don’t seek to avoid their inverted anti-virtues, to the contrary, they revel in them and enjoy rubbing them in the faces of the genuinely virtuous.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (93)



(Quick thread) Here’s a paper written by Hitler about how proud he is that his new country will not be multicultural or multiethnic. Just kidding. This was written by one of America’s founding fathers in the Federalist Papers (#2), published under “John Jay” and titled…

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (94)


Henrik Palmgren ?



12. WHY do they always use White people featured in anti-natalist propaganda? What happened to diversity, inclusion and representation when it comes to coercing you into not having children? I’ve never seen an anti-children “commercial” with non-Whites in it

dont breed propaganda directed against whites has been going on since at least 1970


Game master anon brainstorming tranny repellant: Mirrors, mirrors everywhere

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (95)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (96)




Let’s take a brief look at this “suspect,” in which the news station purposely omitted its face.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (97)


S.L. Kanthan



A lot of people are talking about the end of Petrodollar — i.e., the US-Saudi Arabia deal to sell oil only in US dollar. But there’s nothing about that in WSJ, Bloomberg etc. Such an earth-shattering change would certainly get covered by mainstream media. Also, I doubt that the U.S. Empire would just meekly allow Saudis to end this deal. So, let’s wait and see…



I hope Hunter’s conviction is overturned by the Supreme Court. Otherwise, 30 million citizens just found out they are felons. The Republicans will be hunted.


So basically a racist jew and a cucked “nationalist” just ruined France’s chances at doing something to save France. https://politico.eu/article/french-far-right-alliance-talks-break-down-controversial-figure-eric-zemmour-marine-le-pen/

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (98)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (99)


Meet judge Brian Hagan. He released Bionca Ellis without a hearing just 4 days before she stabbed a 3-year-old to d*ath. It was recommended she get a psych eval after she told cops she m*rder*d someone & had multiple warrants out for her arrest. Yet he decided to release her and…

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (100)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (101)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (102)


handful of vine snakes





Ancient Jewish Stories & Blood Libels of Entire Races based on Myth should not be taken seriously, there’s nothing prophetic about bible, it was a contemporary historical account of the Jews from that time, lamenting their destruction w/ hopes of their future redemption/revenge

hateful gnashings of a tribe of criminals


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (103)


Europe is not electing “far right leaders”. They’re electing more Trumps with empty promises.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (104)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (105)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (106)

Völkisch Spirit ?



If anyone is wondering, This is from a FICTIONAL book written by Joseph Goebbels titled “Michael”. It is not his words, it is the words of the character in the book. More below: https://t.me/NSHeathenry/648


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (107)




White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (108)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (109)


JoJo Siwa touches herself inappropriately and drinks alcohol on stage at a show in front of kids.

perfect golem for jews. pure energy, zero brain, the ameriKwan ideal


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (110)



gyms 2024



Le Pen’s party won every single French department except for Paris. Every single department.

and what changes? nothing.


Ukrainian media is reporting Kinzhal strikes in Kiev and more drones and missiles on the way

Men must EARN their value. Women must PRESERVE their value.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (111)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (112)


The San Francisco government tried to shut down the bathhouses in 1984 because they were widely recognized as the biggest vector for HIV and the gay community responded by comparing this completely reasonable public health and safety measure to the Holocaust

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (113)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (114)




There are reports that a group of warships of the Russian Northern Fleet, consisting of the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov – a carrier of hypersonic missiles Zircon, and the nuclear submarine Kazan, is now only 41 kilometers from the US coast.


In tonight’s local clown world news, my hometown’s public pool ended their “family pass” after decades of it being available, because 1. “They were ripe for abuse” and 2. “it’s hard to define what a family looks like.” In other words, the increasing number of “minorities” in the area buy a single pass and share it so any number of “cousins” can swim free. This is also following an incident in 2022 when hundreds of “TEENS” jumped the fence and mobbed the pool, causing multiple fights, after which they completely banned non-residents from swimming. That ban was lifted for this current season… let’s see how it goes.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (115)


As a former manager of a single screen mom-and-pop theater all I have to say is that Deluxe/Technicolor are such greedy assholes. If you want to get a film within the first four weeks that it’s out you have to give up 90% of your ticket sales to the distributors. If you want a 50/50 split or better you have to wait like 2 months. It was always a major gamble on what to wait for and what to actually get right away. They also make these BS rules like; our movie is the only film that can be shown on any given screen. Meaning if we wanted to do an early and late show, we couldn’t. You’re forced to only play one movie for weeks! Once that got more common the business basically died. The biggest insult is that the theaters have to pay for movie posters. We’re already giving them all the sales, and then they have the gall to ask theaters to pay for the movie’s advertising too? Are you f*cking kidding me?

Comment on a Red Letter Media video about “the death of movie theaters”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwO5fGL2MeY

So basically yeah, the movie industry is murdering itself by refusing to change, specifically, refusing to change to be less scummy.


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (116)


The younger generations in Germany, France and Sweden are becoming very pro-massdeportations

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (117)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (118)


Sunak just tried to hit a bullseye by saying seaside towns were getting their hotels back, but all it did was remind us we paid to house foreign men in luxury hotels many of us can’t afford to holiday in


Maine Is Handing Out Free “Boofing” Kits to Help Fentanyl Addicts Squirt Drugs Up Their Butts

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (119)

“farm” attack. why are whites so congenitally retarded? is the hay ok? is the rick gonna survive?



“feeling groovy”: HR puff and stuff he ate a donut but it wasn’t enough His nose got flat and he started to snort His Pants got tight and his belt too short Oink oink, snort n’ grunt Please forgive me but I gotta be blunt You’ve got a problem that you must confront


A Democrat prosecutor in Atlanta is now in jail for stealing $15 million in Covid funds $15 MILLION This “public servant” bought a Rolls Royce and a 10 carat diamond ting And people think Joe Biden actually won Georgia in 2020 getting more black votes than Obama? What a joke…

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White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (120)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (121)


Karl Denninger points outthe significance of the recent 9th Circuit Court decisionoverturning the constitutionality of Covid-19 mandates is that it goes far beyond the not-vaccine of the Vaxx to disqualify the vast majority of current vaccines:

So why is this decision much larger than just Covid?

Because since the DTP vaccine fiasco that led to the NCVIA multiple (and indeed nearly all) alleged “vaccines”, along with the original injected polio formulation still used (IPV) are in fact personal prophylaxis and do not prevent either contracting or transmitting the disease in question. Specifically all of the following fall into this category and thus all of them, per this decision, cannot be mandated by any government-connected agency including a school or a medical system citing government contracts (e.g. Medicare):

IPV – injected polio. Of note OPV, the oral version, colonizes the gut and is sterilizing. We used to give IPV first to prevent the rare reversion that can occur with OPV and cause polio but since polio has disappeared from the United States we no longer do.

The aP portion of DTaP, the reformulated DTP shot that led to the injuries in the 1970s, and since it is not separable from the other two none of the three can be mandated so long as they are combined. Further Tetanus, which might well be a very good idea to take anyway for what should be obvious reasons, can’t be mandated at all because it is not transmissible at all between persons. Therefore it is entirely legitimate to legally force the separation of all three shots.

Flu shots — they do not sterilize. Period.

Hep-B — Commonly given to infants this is a non-sterilizing shot and is utterly worthless in infants generally since Hep-B is passed only through blood and serum exchange, meaning injected drugs and (especially anal) sex. Obviously an infant subjected to either of those is being wildly abused but this also means no mandate can be enforced in this regard when it comes to adults even in health care as there is no sterilization effect and thus it cannot protect potential patients from exposure.

Vit-K — Commonly given to infants at birth this has no immunization effect at all and thus is mere personal prophylaxis which the parents, as agents for the child, have an unquestioned right to direct in the acceptance or refusal without interference.

RSV – A new one the CDC is now pushing but it is non-sterilizing. The safety profile over long periods of time is unknown as the shot is too new but it uses mRNA technology which makes it instantly suspect as the dose of the actual antigen producing thing cannot be controlled.

Rotavirus – Again, non-sterilizing.

Varicella (chicken pox) – Again, non-sterilizing however, since Chicken Pox is wildly more dangerous in adults than children if you haven’t gotten it the old-fashioned way by the time you go into school you probably want to consider it for that reason.

Meningococcal – That too is non-sterilizing and yet colleges, in particular, try to mandate it. Under this decision that is also illegal as the benefit is entirely personal.

The reason is that the basis for whichJacobsonpermitted the smallpox vaccine mandate is because the vaccine was sterilizing. As Denninger explains: “the case turned on the fact that the smallpox vaccine in question was sterilizing; that is, it prevented spread of the disease because once inoculated you could neither acquire or transmit the infection. On this basis the Supreme Court held that despite a person’s objections and potential harms from taking it they could be fined if they refused.”

This means there is virtually no grounds for submitting to any vaccine mandate in the future. Unless and until a vaccine is legally declared to be sterilizing by a court, any attempt to mandate it is unconstitutional and illegal on its face.


This is roughly the Atchafalaya Basin. It include the Atchafalaya NWR, the Attakapas WMA, a state park, Sherburne WMA, and some other sh*t. It’s the largest wetland in America. It’s something like 140 miles long by 40 miles wide at its widest.

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (122)

White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (123)


White World Wrap (2024-06-12) | Kirksville Today (2024)


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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.